Kitchen Update: aka Spackle City

This morning we started the paint job on the hallway bathroom and kitchen. We started filling in holes with spackle and using the small electric sander on all the paint lines and stripes on the walls. When they were painted previously blue painters tape was used to create the straight edges, and it left ridges. Even though we know that the primer we have will cover the color changes, we didn’t want a bunch of lines to be there under our fresh coat of paint. We want a smooth pretty wall! Here’s the kitchen before, look the sun was still shining!

As you can see there are a lot of lines!

This is the other corner of the kitchen. Look at all the holes we filled in!

This is looking down the hallway to the front door from the kitchen. The dark color is a deep deep purple that is nearly black. Its very dramatic, but it makes the hall extremely dark. We’re looking forward to more light! (in case you were wondering, no, those aren’t orbs… just dust from sanding!!)

Please note the spackle job. I had a dickens of a time finding all the little holes on that dark wall! I may have to go over it again after the first coat of primer. Speaking of paint… Tomorrow is the primer stage! I can’t wait to see it all sparkling white. But we aren’t stopping there, next comes some color samples to make sure our color choices work with our light. Some cheerful color! I can’t wait to show you!

By dinner time we were starving! Check out the gorgeous soup my roommate Murray made… This is before we blitzed it with the hand held mixer. Butternut squash, carrots, apples, tiki masala with toasted french bread with butter on the side. I should have taken a picture, but it was so good and I was so hungry that it was gone before that happened! Next time!

One thought on “Kitchen Update: aka Spackle City

  1. Pingback: The Flat: Kitchen Rennovation almost complete! « FlorrieMarie

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