Double Raspberry Pavlova


Perfectly pink meringue, sweet raspberry curd, fresh raspberries and tart creme fraiche are a wonderful marriage of texture and flavour in these little pavlovas. I have opted to make 6 mini pavlovas, however one large pavlova would work just and well and be equally delicious.

Serves 6

For the raspberry curd

6 oz raspberries (one carton)

2 egg yolks (save the whites for the meringue)

4 oz butter (1 stick)

6 oz Sugar

pinch of salt

In a pan over medium heat, whisk the egg yolks a little and quickly add all the other ingredients. Keep whisking until the butter and sugar is melted, keep this mixture moving or the eggs will scramble. Cook for another 8 minutes, stirring intermittently until the curd has thickened and coats the back of a spoon.

Pass the curd through a sieve to rid it of the raspberry seeds, and store in a little jar. The curd can be kept in an air tight container in the fridge for a couple of weeks.

For the meringues

2 egg whites

2 oz sugar

2 oz  sieved icing / confectioners sugar

Red or pink food colour

Heat the oven to 180℉.

Whisk the egg whites and a teeny tiny amount of the food colouring until the whites are stiff enough that they won’t fall if the bowl is turned upside down. Gently fold in the sugars.

Line a baking sheet with a silicon baking mat or a double layer of parchment paper brushed with a little oil.

The meringue can either be spooned out with an ice cream scoop or piped. You want to create a little indent in the centre either way.

For 6 mini pavlovas, I baked them for 1 hour, turned the heat off and left them in the oven for an additional 15- 20 minutes. A larger meringue will obviously take longer, set the timer for 1 hour 30 minutes and then check. If the tops are dry and crisp but the underneath still wet, carefully flip the meringues over, turn the oven off and leave, check every 10 -15 minutes. I like my meringues to have a little give in the centre.

Remove and let cool. These can be stored in an air tight container for 2-3 days.

Cream Topping

150ml/ 1/2 cup Heavy cream

75 ml / scant 1/3 cup Creme fraiche

Lightly whip the heavy cream and then stir in the creme fraiche. Set aside.

Assembling the pavlova

6oz fresh raspberries

1 oz dark chocolate

I like to crack the top of my meringues before filling them. It creates a lovely little nest to house the mounds of filling.

Spoon 2 tsp of the raspberry curd into the meringue nest, layer on a generous 2 tbsp of the cream, top with some fresh berries and grate on a little chocolate to garnish.


Enjoy, F.

Double raspberry pavlova pdf

52 Project: 43/52


I had a super fun weekend up at the Croakery helping Florrie host a Halloween party for a pack of wild 2-7 year olds. It was so much fun, with games, and food, and kids tearing around the garden. I got to spend some quality time rambling about the woods, getting my fill of country air and autumn woods.  Florrie inspired me to purchase some Blue Sky Alpacas Extra, and I started swatching for a new hat pattern. It is completely and utterly the most luscious thing to knit with. 55% Baby Alpaca/45% Fine Merino. Soft, springy, cloud-like, and it knits up so fast!

Back in the city this Monday our corner is finally catching up to Florrie’s little mountain and the colors are showing, the leaves have begun to fall. There’s a new art installation going in, some massive bronze sculptures. Once the fence comes down I’ll share a few pictures.  Have a great week! -Marie

Postcards from Rhinebeck ’14









IMG_6516.JPGIt was so good to get out of the city this weekend and head upstate to Rhinebeck for the New York State Sheep & Wool Festival. The weather was the most perfect October weather you could ask for, by turns dramatic, steel grey skies with the woods all orange and red and gold and the clearest blue sky and sunshine with cold air and chilly breeze. It was perfectly cold and that meant that the hand knits could be worn comfortably, but not so cold that you needed a jacket over them. Florrie finished her Aunt Fred and it looked so great on her, I would have lost my marbles knitting a whole sweater in that fiddly sport weight wool. Kudos to her. I wore my Astoria cowl, it was snug and perfectly warm.

Florrie had much more shopping restraint than I did, I bought two skeins of Miss Babs Yowza in a really pretty green/blue/grey colorway (Shaken Not Stirred), the line for Miss Babs wool was predictably long, a giant bag of Maple Cotton Candy, some Hot Maple Mustard (it’s seriously the best thing ever), a gorgeous cherry wood stirrer/spatula from Chester B. Basil’s stall, some beautiful grey/green ceramic buttons from Melissa Jean and on the way home when we stopped off in Tivoli at Fabulous Yarns I got a squishy red skein of Blue Sky Alpacas Extra.  I’m not sure if it was because it’s the third or fourth year that we have gone, or if it was in fact smaller this year. Not sure, but it was fun and we got to scratch a few goats and sheep under their chins, and see so much beautiful wool.

Until next year Rhinebeck, maybe I’ll get my act together in 2015 and have my own sweater to wear. 😀




No more knitting!

Yes, you read the title correctly. I have given up knitting. These hands will hold needles and yarn no more, well not until April. It was a combination of Marie sending me a link showing a paper piece quilt and eyeing up a bundle of fabulous fat quarters. My head was swimming with new knit designs, but I couldn’t focus on any one in particular. I decided to take a break and dive head first into sewing.
This is my dining table, as you can see there’s no eating done here at the moment.

I hoping to knock a out all of my ideas by the end of the month, and then buckle down to knitting. Stay posted for some updates.

A Birthday Giveaway!

We have a lot to celebrate around these parts, we are teetering on the brink of having 400 followers on our little piece of the internet and its thrilling!

We’re also in the depths of winter, or as I like to refer to it, Prime Knitting Season. A lot of people don’t care for January, as there are no glittering holidays to decorate for, or parties and holiday food to nibble on.  But January, to me anyway, means wintry beauty, finally being comfortable (I don’t do very well in the heat) cuddling up to my wool without it making me sweat, brisk outdoors and cozy indoors. January also means its my birthday! So since today is my birthday and since everyone is coming down off their holiday high, and in need of a pop of color in their life we’re giving away this beautiful Elka Mug from Anthropologie.


Who wouldn’t love to curl up with a steamy cuppa on a cold January night? What a cheerful color to brighten even the wintriest of winter mornings.


TO BE ENTERED IN THE GIVEAWAY:  simply click on the link in the sidebar to follow FlorrieMarie on WordPress and you have a chance to win! Once we reach 400 we will randomly choose one winner from all of our followers, so don’t worry if you’re already following, you’re in!!


If you like, leave us a comment letting us know what you love about January!

Disclaimer: We simply love this mug from Anthropologie, they didn’t ask us to give it away or link to the website, and we weren’t paid to promote it. Its just super pretty and we wanted to share the love.

Postcards from Vogue Knitting Live Part II


Our apologies for this post coming so late to you. Vogue Knitting Live was over two weeks ago, though that hardly seems possible.  Florrie has been chasing her tiny terrors around and I’ve been slogging away at the day job and we have both been knitting feverishly for impending deadlines.  So, here it is, better late than never.


Florrie, Mary Jane and Marie

Our first class was Friday morning. Color work  with Mary Jane Mucklestone, who is nothing short of charming and nice, and funny, and TALENTED!  Man, this woman can knit.  She had a giant suitcase filled with color work swatches. I mean FILLED.  They were fascinating and even though this class didn’t have much actual knitting, I really learned a lot.  Now I’m not scared to wander down the fair isle path at all.


We’re ready to do color work! Coffee is an important supply to have on hand.

I suspect that we will become color work junkies… its inevitable, I fear.

After our first class we had time to wander around the art gallery section of the convention.  There was everything from the weird to the wonderful. One of our favorites was the needle felted Gnome Chess Set by sisters Jennifer and Melissa VanSant. So cute and funny. I’ve always loved gnomes.They are such silly creatures.


Another wonderful bit of woolly art was the hilarious crochet of Nicole Gastonbury. Super creative and so funny! Aren’t the expressions she creates just so spot on? Don’t even get me started on those giant french fries. The little plaid thermos was my favorite I think. I wanted to take him camping. burger


Clara speaks!

Later that afternoon went to Clara Parkes lecture ‘Journey into the Great White Bale’.  Check out her blog for more on this crazy adventure.   Florrie had gotten me Clara’s book The Yarn Whisperer as a Christmas gift and Clara graciously signed my copy.  Its truly fascinating.

She was another one that is charming and funny and we didn’t want the lecture to end.  I knew it was going to be fun to meet knitting women that we have admired, but what I think was the most unexpected was how accessible they were.  Friendly and helpful and even handing out phone numbers and email addresses with promises to answer further questions.   After the lecture we asked Clara if she thought it was worth it to get into wool processing to produce yarns for hand knitting, fully expecting a lukewarm, maybe. What we got instead was a whole hearted YES!  Such enthusiasm is contagious and we left bolstered and more excited than ever.    She was pretty awesome.


Clara shows us how different each of the yarns were.

Day two began bright and early with, you guessed it. Coffee.


After fueling up on caffeine we headed down to the hotel to Rhonda Faginoli’s natural dying class. We used indigo, cochineal, madder root, and other botanicals to dye two skeins of wool each.  It was fun, the wool was sock weight and each skein was a decent size.  I would have preferred DK or Worsted, but it was till fun.  We started out painting with the dye using foam brushes to get a base color going.


I’m not going to lie, there were quite a few nervous faces at this stage in the dying game. The base colors were bright and frankly a bit alarming. But we soldiered on until we were ready for the final stage, the dip dye.




The final dip.


Not so scary after all!


Drying in the window.

After drying and winding the wool. The color has mellowed a bit after drying, as color is going to do. But the blend is very pretty.

blue wool

Indigo and Cochineal

Florrie wanted her red wool to go even darker, so she kept it damp until she got home and over dyed it with beets to bring out the red. The before picture is on top, the bottom is after.



Isn’t that lovely? She may do a post about the process in the near future. I want to read that!

We had a few hours to kill before the next and last class of the day, so we wandered through the Marketplace. I had to laugh because Florrie didn’t make it 100 feet into the first room before finding this gorgeous gem of a skein from the Sanguine Gryphon.


I KNOW!! I can’t even stand how pretty this is. The marketplace was packed, as usual, but we squeezed our way through.  I ran into a friend of mine, Helga and chatted for a bit. I think I may have even seen my down the block neighbor, random!

Florrie also scored big time with this bag of Koigu skeinettes.


Ahhhhhh! that’s a bag full of KPPPM magic.


All that for $20!  I’m kicking myself that I didn’t buy one too. Love love love.

Our last class of the day was Sweater Design with Leslye Solomon of Woolstock Yarn shop in Baltimore.  I realized that we were so into our graph paper that we didn’t snap any pictures!  Leslye was funny and quirky and we really enjoyed her class. I felt like it really could have been a two segment 6 hour class, but we were happy with what we learned. We bought this very clever graph paper that she designed specifically for sweater design.  Its very cool! Keep an eye out for sweater design from Florrie and Marie!

Whew!  What a great weekend! Vogue Knitting Live is a bit pricey, and we were worried that it wouldn’t live up to our expectations, but it was so much fun. I want to take even more classes next year.  You should see if there’s one happening near you!