Naan Pizza

naan pizza

A couple of weeks ago Florrie came down to the big city for a visit and we put together this scrumptious pizza for our dinner. We wandered around the market looking for delectable things to turn into a pizza, and we came up with this-

Per 1 individual pizza:

1 piece of Naan Bread

3 tbsp marinara sauce (I prefer Francesco Rinaldi)

1/4 cup Yellow Pepper – sliced

5 or 6 thin slices Red Onion

2 tbsp Tomato & Basil Chevre  (goat’s cheese) – cubed

1/2 Thin & Trim Chicken Sausage Spicy Italian flavor – sliced

Handful of Arugula

Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.

Place the bread on a baking sheet.

Spoon sauce on top and spread evenly.

Sprinkle pepper, cheese, and sausage on top. Reserve arugula till after pizza is baked.

Bake the pizza until the Naan has started to brown on the edges a bit, and everything is warmed through. Approx. 15 minutes.  But keep an eye on it, at such a high temperature it could burn quickly. Thin & Trim brand sausage is fully cooked so you don’t need to worry about it cooking through.

Remove pizza from oven, sprinkle with a healthy handful of arugula, cut the pie and eat!





I’m excited!!! It’s really late in the growing season and the seeds I planted are shooting up. The look healthy and happy so far, I think I can now tell which are the radishes and which are the spinach.

Sproutin'Radish tips just starting to poke there way through the soil.


Bunches of baby spinach…at least that’s what I think it is. Oh well, the important thing is that it’s growing.


Spring onions shoots in the autumn, I wonder if they’ll be ready before the first frost, will they have to stick it out all through the winter?


My lettuce tub has turned into a jungle, with the arugula leading the way. I’m sure this is weed of some sort, but it tastes soooooo good ,who cares?

See how they started out , Growin’ let the adventure begin

Growin’ let the adventure begin

Like most people, I would say I know a little about a lot and a lot about a little, but what I know about gardening I could jot down on the back of a seed packet. But I ‘m going to have a bloody good crack at growing some goodies . I’ve wanted an allotment for ages, and finally, since moving to The Croakery, I have the space to put one somewhere. My plan is to make The Croakery self sufficient in vegetables and most fruits. OK, so it’s a long term plan, but I think it’s good to have a vision. So wish me luck. I’m jumping in knee deep. Maybe I should have exchanged my sandals for wellies before I began.

Oh well, So here’s my knowledge of growin’  ……if you plant it, they will grow. I had a little success in England a few years ago, tomatoes, spring onions, strawberries, raspberries and peas. But I really only grew enough for a tasting. My Brussel sprouts leaves were nurseries for caterpillars and  my leeks were thin and spindly….something to do with not thinning them. What???

So here I am at the start of Autumn wanting to get my thumbs well and truly green. I told you I was impatient. I haven’t got the time to dig my raised beds. I need to get what I’ve got into some soil now. What to do, what to do?  I know, plastic storage tubs. They’ll do nicely.

So off I trot to the garden centre to pick up a bunch of veg that’s half price and a few packets of seeds that can be planted late in the year (This is what I told myself).

I drilled holes....

I drilled holes....

Into my brightly coloured tubs

Into my brightly coloured tubs

Now I need some stones for drainage, that little I do know.

Tiny terror was more than willing to help move the stones

Tiny terror was more than willing to help move the stones

He was a great sport and didn’t mind sharing with his Mummy, In fact he did most of the grunt work.

Oh, I sort of borrowed them from his sand box

Oh, I sort of borrowed them from his sand box

Then the dump truck got in on the action

Then the dump truck got in on the action

Hmmm genius boy know using the bucket would be quicker

Hmmm genius boy know using the bucket would be quicker

He's a fast worker

He's a fast worker

This is what's being planted

This is what's being planted

Lettuce, right?

Lettuce, right?

Wispy fennel tops

Wispy fennel tops

Magic beans

Magic beans



Great roots, they have a fighting chance

Great roots, they have a fighting chance