Valentines paper challenge; The reveal

The moment of truth has arrived and the day of judgement here, ok very dramatic I know. I’ve had a slow week. Anyway, it’s been almost two weeks since we revealed our paper challenge and here are the resulting projects.

I though it would be fun to send lots of little love notes telling my valentine what he means to me. One of the papers reminded me of stamps, and that was the starting point for my inspiration.

I made  double sided little envelopes that were stitched around three sides and the top left open. Inside each one contains a little tag with my message written on it. There id embroidery floss threaded through the hole at the top, so they can be retrieved easily.

Love notes and their envelopes

Now, how to deliver them? Envelopes  go into the post box, so that is what I made with the other piece or paper. I figured out the template using scrap paper and then made it in the hear paper.

It has little arm that signals there is post to be collected

The loves notes will tumble out

As well as the notes, I think I’ll add a few more surprises inside for my love. Happy Valentines day. f.

Marie is having inter-web glitches, but as soon as it’s sorted she’ll share her masterpiece

Mini Knitted Hearts

The other day I was compelled to knit a heart. Maybe I had been bitten by the Saint Valentine. I’m not sure. Over the course of working out a pattern, my hearts got smaller and smaller until they were the perfect size to wear as a pin. Then I got the idea that they would make the cutest love token for Valentines day, Let someone wear your heart on their sleeve.

There are three different heart patterns, two are worked in stocking stitch and the third is worked in garter stitch.

Here is the PDF Knitted mini hearts pdf

After the hearts are knitted, the ends sewn in and they have been steamed, flip them over and sew on a broach pin, you can pick them up from jewellery supply shops for about 50 cents each.

All that’s left to do is secure it to a card and write a note.